Caring for Our ELEPHANTS...

Visitors to Elephant Whispers experience life-changing moments when they encounter the elephants, and the team work hard to translate this into an understanding of the need for long-term, sustainable wildlife preservation in general, and elephant conservation in particular.

Commit - Nurture - Respect

At the same time, they work closely with veterinarians, ecologists and scientists; conducting wildlife research projects; offering access to non-invasive training for domestic and international veterinary students; and providing learning experiences for game rangers and game trackers.

Visitors to the Centre learn about the extraordinary behaviour and physiology of the African elephant, observing first-hand how the elephants have developed trust in the kindness and care they receive from the team. There are deep bonds and there is great harmony.


  • Elephant Whispers respects the gentle nature of the elephant society.
  • The bilateral ‘ask-and-reward’ principle is applied when working with elephants; a technique that is based on mutual respect.
  • Methods that ‘break the spirit’ of any elephants are considered to be animal brutality at its very worst.
  • The elephants will not be trained to conduct undignified or theatrical performances.
  • The elephants are never chained and do not have their movement restricted.
  • The elephants have time to roam freely, feed and interact with each other. As such, they spend set limited time with guests.
  • Elephant Whispers will not breed with the elephants, to which end a six- monthly GNRH vaccine is administered to the male elephant.
  • Elephant Whispers is committed to keeping the elephants in their care safe, healthy and content.

Give someone special the ultimate gift; the gift of giving, of joy, of being part of a valuable team, and of sharing in their adopted elephant’s life for a full year.

Or spoil yourself while making a difference, and adopt one … or more … of the Elephant Whispers’ elephants.

Your gift includes a personalized adoption certificate, an elephant profile, regular updates via email, or WhatsApp, as well as a voucher for the adoptive parent and a friend to visit their elephant.

Your donation makes a meaningful contribution to the elephant’s care.

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Elephant Whispers Created a Safe Have for the Elephant View Haven